Health & Safety Statement

At Glenesk Homes, we take our responsibilities seriously. Health & safety is our core priority. No other matter – commercial or operational – takes precedence over the health and safety of those involved in or affected by our activities. Accordingly, we have adopted an approved ISO45001 health & safety management system and are working towards our own certification.

We are committed to a policy of effectively managing all aspects of health, safety and welfare. We maintain our fundamental belief that everyone has the right to return home unharmed at the end of each and every working day.

We will always:

  • create safe working environments for all
  • protect the safety and long-term health of everyone involved in or affected by our operations
  • follow the rules and procedures
  • recognise personal responsibility for our own safety and that of others
  • speak out immediately against unsafe behaviours or conditions and stop working until safe to do so
  • lead by example, demonstrating a positive commitment to safety and inspiring others to do the same
Glenesk Homes health safety

We will never:

  • prioritise other objectives over health and safety
  • bend the rules
  • ignore unsafe behaviours or conditions, or assume that health and safety is someone else’s responsibility

Glenesk Homes – 10 Commitments to H&S

1. The Managing Director will be the director responsible for all health, safety and welfare matters on behalf of the company.
He/she will ensure that the policy is implemented within the business and that adequate finances, resources and supervision is provided to ensure all employees are properly able to discharge their responsibilities under this policy.
2. We have in place, and shall continue to use, maintain & update our health & safety management system
3. All of our sites and establishments will be managed with a robust approach to any shortfall in compliance with our health and safety requirements. Where necessary, disciplinary action will be used to enforce this approach.
4. Our personnel will be appropriately trained, experienced and competent to perform their role and that every person is given a project specific induction before being allowed to start work on each site.
5. We will ensure that every person understands the risks and approved safe method of working associated with their task prior to being allowed to start.
6. A risk assessment will be prepared covering each activity on site and that a safe method of working is produced and approved before each activity commences.
7. We will control and ensure that access to each site, and any particular areas of danger, is restricted to authorised persons only
8. We will ensure that the sites are kept tidy; and that access to all areas of work is safe.
9. We will provide good welfare facilities and keep them clean and serviced.
10. We will formally audit and review specific procedures and sites on a regular basis.